Tuesday, March 16, 2010

मप्स ठाट teach


"Maps That Teach" take advantage of the way kids learn the best by participating or doing things by themself without any interference from others, on maps by building up the given plain maps.
This software allows students to learn about where continents are and what major cultural landmarks, physical features, capital of countries and distance from one country to the other. In this way students get a mental picture in their heads of the countries so whenever they learn something about that place they can say where the place is. And example of this can be seen where the students get a map of Asia and they have to put in the Himalayan Mountains, the sometimes get hints as to where to place the features.

This software can be alot of fun. It can be played as games,both individually or in groups and they can be competitive or not. it is an easy and fun way for kids to know "where in the world I am?".

Also, students not only learn about features of a map but they learn about any history that is associated with the places.

One way in which teachers can utilise "Maps That Teach", is that they can print out the maps that they need and they can have children sticking various pictures to represent the features of the maps. These teaching aids from the software can be in the form of puzzles, where children put the puzzle pieces together or it can be a large 7 feet version where pictures can be cut and paste onto the large layouts.

You can access any more information by following this link....

Monday, February 22, 2010

SmartDraw 2010

Hi, i'm back to tell you all about yet another geographical software that can be useful to children as well as adults when they have maps to draw.

Everyone knows about all the math software and language software but coming across some new geography software is really cool....

With SmartDraw one can produce maps and charts of high professional quality without the hastle of tracing the map of an atlas. All you have to do is choose your template and enter the information you need in the map and sit back and relax as SmartDraw does the work.

Apart from only drawing maps SmartDraw can also create Floor Plans, Landscaping Plans, Charts and anything else that has specific ways to draw once the template is found in the package.

This software is helpful in the classroom when teachers want to educate their children about maps an where places are located. When students were made to hand draw maps and charts they got the information into the wrong place but with SmartDraw everything that they do goes into the correct context.

You can follow this link to get any more information that you need an you can also download a free trial